
Uci Material Transfer Agreement

UCI Material Transfer Agreement: What You Need to Know

If you are a researcher or scientist working at the University of California, Irvine (UCI), you may need to transfer materials to other institutions or collaborators for further analysis or experimentation. However, before you can share your materials, you must comply with the UCI Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) policy.

What is a Material Transfer Agreement?

A Material Transfer Agreement is a legal document that governs the transfer of biological, chemical, or other materials between institutions, universities, or companies. MTAs protect the intellectual property rights of the materials` owner and ensure that the recipient uses the materials for the intended purpose and does not share them with unauthorized parties.

UCI has implemented a standardized MTA process to facilitate the transfer of materials between UCI and outside organizations. UCI`s Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) is responsible for managing the MTA process on behalf of all UCI researchers and scientists.

What Materials are Covered by the UCI MTA Policy?

The UCI MTA policy applies to all materials that are owned, controlled, or generated by UCI researchers and scientists, including:

– Biological materials, such as cell lines, plasmids, DNA, RNA, proteins, and viruses

– Chemicals and reagents, such as compounds, solvents, and buffers

– Devices and equipment, such as computer software and hardware, laboratory equipment, and instruments

If you plan to transfer any of these materials to a third party outside of UCI, you must comply with the UCI MTA policy.

What are the Terms and Conditions of the UCI MTA?

The UCI MTA contains several terms and conditions that both the provider and the recipient of the materials must agree to before the transfer can occur. Some of the key provisions of the UCI MTA include:

– Ownership and intellectual property rights: The provider retains ownership of the materials and any intellectual property rights associated with them.

– Limited use and confidentiality: The recipient must use the materials only for the intended purpose and not share them with unauthorized parties. The recipient must also keep the materials confidential and not disclose any information about them without the provider`s consent.

– Publication and acknowledgement: If the recipient publishes any research using the provided materials, they must acknowledge the provider`s contribution and provide them with a copy of the publication.

– Liability and indemnification: Both parties agree to indemnify each other against any claims or damages arising from the materials` use or transfer.

– Termination and return of materials: The agreement automatically terminates after the materials` intended use, and the recipient must return the materials or destroy them.

How to Request a Material Transfer Agreement at UCI?

If you need to transfer materials to a third-party outside of UCI, you must follow the steps outlined by UCI`s OTT to request a Material Transfer Agreement. The process involves filling out an online request form and providing details about the materials, the recipient, the intended use, and any intellectual property rights.

Once OTT receives your request, they will review it and negotiate the terms and conditions of the MTA with the recipient`s institution. The negotiation process can take several weeks or months, depending on the complexity of the materials and the recipient`s requirements.


The UCI Material Transfer Agreement policy is a crucial component of UCI`s intellectual property management strategy. If you are a UCI researcher or scientist, make sure to comply with the policy when you need to transfer materials to other organizations or collaborators. By doing so, you can protect your intellectual property rights and ensure that your research contributes to scientific progress while respecting the rights of others.